Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Wow, I did not realize that I was so behind in posting.  I did not do anything this past weekend.  I don't really know why, but it just did not happen.  
Monday, I couldn't work out in the morning b/c I had to take my dad to the airport.  I taught cycle that night ( running hills, very fast paced).  The instructor for the class after mine did not show up, so I stayed and taught her class.  She teaches a step/strength class, but I don't do step so I just taught strength.  It was a nice surprise for me to teach that class.
Tuesday, I ran 4 miles.  It felt good... I could have kept going.
Today  I took cycle/strength.  The cycle was endurance.  It was nice to keep a steady pace.  Everybody groans when they hear endurance, but I really like it. I have a 6 miler tomorrow and I am looking forward to it.  I realized today that I am never in the pool.  I miss it and need to get back to it.  I really do better swimming with a group or coach though.  I can't wait for the school year to be over so that I can swim w/ the masters group.

Friday, February 20, 2009

Today was my a/c class.  I started off on the bike to warm our legs up.  Then we went up to the track and did indian relays for a 1/2 mile.  After that we went back in to the room for some biceps/ shoulder presses, squats, push ups and various hr increasing activities.  I know that I got a pretty good work out so the odds are that everybody else did too.  After my class, I stuck around for cycle.  It was a great class.  Ryan teaches his classes as competitions and I eat that stuff up!  So I really worked my ass off.  I weighed myself after running 6 miles and was 145.8.  After classes today I was 144.8.  That's a lot of sweat! 

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Wednesday,  I got a quick 2 miles on the treadmill (6.6 mph, 7.0 mph, 7.4 mph).  I also took cycle/ strength.  I ate to much that night though, and had a couple of beers. 

Thursday, I got in a great 6 mile run.  We ran a new route that was pretty challenging hills wise.  I enjoyed running for the first time in months.  I ran with a group so I did not use my ipod.  I need to get used to that b/c in triathlons they are not allowed.  I can handle a 5k, but a half marathon without music sounds painful.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

a bust...

I did not get much of a workout in today.  I did not get to swim b/c Tab's son was sick so I subbed for her.  The cardio pump class is a combo of intervals and strength training.  I got in all of the strength, but the class is so big that I couldn't really participate.  I had to monitor the room instead.  I went back to run later, but had to turn around because Isabel couldn't get off her dance stuff in time to make it to the potty.  I forgot to bring extra clothes so I had to turn around.  I got in about 2 miles. 

Monday, February 16, 2009

Today I had to teach 2 cycle classes so that is really all I did today.  Since the kids were out of school, I did not really have time to do anything else.  They went (the classes) well.  I did the sme class in the morning and evening - Fast and flat with a few jumps and slight inclines.  Kept the heart rate up for a good 45 minutes each time.  I just got over strep throat so it felt really good to have some energy to expend.  Tomorrow I am going to try and get to the pool with the masters swim group (can't wait!) and then a quick run.  The kids will be home again, but I think  I can get to it.

Saturday, February 14, 2009

2 day recap

I forgot to post yesterday, but I did get a good workout in.  On fridays I teach an athletic conditioning class so I did that.  It was around 40 so I was able to talk them into running outside so I got about a 1 mile in as well some strength on the BOSU and a variety of agility drills.  Drills really are my favorite thing to do.  I guess it is the wannabe football player in me.  After that I took Tabatha's cycle class (hills) and part of her abs class.

Today Nathaniel and I taught a couples class at the Y.  It was similar to my a/c class yesterday, but was 1 1/2 hours.  I think everyone else had a good workout, but the class was so big that I had to oversee too much to participate.  That's okay though b/c I woke up with a killer sore throat that has yet to subside.  It's as if knives are slicing through it.  I hope I feel better soon.

Thursday, February 12, 2009

I decided to take a day off on Wednesday.  It was a good idea; Max and Isabel needed a few hours at home.  Today I ran about 5 miles.  They felt really good.  It was the dame route that I ran tried to do last week but couldn't.  This time I did it plus more!  I still need to work on my food log and I need to finalize a training/teaching/group exercise schedule.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

I was able to take an interval/strength class today.  It was OK. I think that I am going to have to stop taking this one b/c it is really hard on my knees and ankles when I am trying to run too.  I am having a hard time transitioning from group exercise to training.  I think I might need to find a way to join some kind of training group.  Maybe, I could start my own.  Who knows.

I was ran  about 4 miles outside!  I felt pretty good.  I kept a rather relaxed pace ( I'm not sure what) and I ran with a friend.  That really helped distract me when I wanted to stop.   Mile 2 was hard on me, but I pushed through it. 

Monday, February 9, 2009

Back at it

I did not get any workouts in this weekend.  That is not what I wanted to happen, but between  cpr training and plays and birthday parties it couldn't be helped.  I kinda sucks when real life gets in the way!  I had to teach 2 cycle classes today so that was my workout today.  one class was climbing, 3 different types. I also taught a hill/interval combo class.  The am class was great, everyone worked really hard, but the pm class was only ok.  Isabel had fallen off the swings, and i had to take her to the doctor to make sure she wasn't really hurt.  I just couldn't get out of my own head tonight.  I ate pretty well today, but I just don't have it in me to recall right now.  I need to work on a tracking system for nutrition, so if anybody had any ideas, let me know!

Friday, February 6, 2009


Do my pants feel too tight?  I am hoping it is because my muscles are bulging from teaching both an athletic conditioning and a stength class today.  I did not workout Thursday; my usual rest day.  I also ate rather well.  I realize that I have a hard time keeping up with my food intake.  Something I need to focus more on I think.

Like I said, I taught two classes today.  I forgot to wear my heart rate monitor so I don't know how I did.  I tend to burn more cal. when I am teaching. My hr gets higher because of the talking I have to do and my adrenaline is higher so I go longer and w/ more intensity ( poor class participants).  

2 hrs. teaching ac and strength

english muffin w/ cream cheese and 1 slice bacon
1 can Dr. Pepper
2 glasses  water
grilled cheese sand. and fries
1 glass unsweetened iced tea.

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Two Days In a Row

Today I felt much better.  We got some snow and ice so school was cancelled.  Because of that I did not get to run in the morning. I did get a run in, though.  here was my workout:
3 miles easy run on the treadmill
  mile 1: 9:40 pace
  mile 2: 9:22 pace
  mile 3: 8:57 pace
avg. heart rate: 152 max: 167 
353 calories

5o minute cycle/strength class
avg. heart rate: 148 max: 179
564 cal.

2 homemade doughnuts
1 bowl honey nut cheerios w/ skim milk
4 small pieces pizza hut pizza cheese, ham & pineapple
greek salad

1 can diet pepsi
1 can Dr. pepper
5 large glasses water
1 beer (so far)

I got very little sleep last night (5 hours) but I felt much better than yesterday.  My body feels very fatigued.  While we were out to dinner, my legs were shaking.

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

The Beginning

I have always been one to push through the pain so to speak.  I have not been easily distracted until recently.  Now I can feel every tight muscle or the pain in my toes, ankles, hips and knees.  All of the sudden I can't ignore it and I stop.  Today I went out for a 4 mile run and barely made it through 1 mile before I stopped and walk.  Not only did I walk, but I turned around and only went a total of 2 miles.  What is happening to me? I felt like a quitter when I got back to the Y, yet I still stopped.  

Ran 1 mile (goal was 4) 
40° windy 2:30 pm

1 mini cinnamon raisin bagel w/ cream cheese
1 Biscuit
4 chicken tenders, macaroni and cheese, lettuce w/ balsamic vinagrette

Here we go

This is going to be my training blog for my first half Ironman.  I ran a marathon in December, and ever since that race I have had a hard time motivating myself.  I thought that if I started logging every workout it might help me see the progress that I make.  I have been unmotivated at the gym, but even worse with my eating and drinking.  This will serve as my food and alcohol journal as well.  If anybody is reading this you will see that I love to eat and I drink way to much beer!