Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Good Day

It really had ben a while since I have updated the training blog. I am really having to manage my time wisely now that school is out and I have even less time to work out. I think that it has been so long that I have written because I have been a little discouraged... and I have trying to figure it out why.

My runs have really been kicking my ass. As in I can't make myself finish them. I have been wondering if I picked a level of training that is over my head, but I am not quite ready to come to that conclusion. Until today, I have been running immediately after my swim. I think that my legs are not quite ready for the. I also have not been eating (or hydrating) between my swim and run. Today I taught a strength class then ran right after that. A few hours later, I went back for a swim. It worked much better for me today so I am going to try it this way and see if it continues to work for me.

The bike had been going great... I got in a 36 mile ride this weekend and averaged 15.9 mph. I felt really strong and was able to increase my average in the last 3 miles! My swim has been going well too. If I need to then I may cut back on the swims to focus on my runs. We will see how it goes....