Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Good Day

Yesterday, I finally got out on my bike.  I took the kids to school and left the car at school.  I rode home and got some work done, then rode back to there school and drove them home.  I rode about 13 miles total and averaged about 15 mph.  I usually ride early in the mornings on the weekend so it was a little scary being with so many cars.  It gave me a new respect for my husband, Nathaniel who has ridden the 25 miles to work.  I am trying to become more efficient on my outside bike and get away from the spin class mentality.  I think that this will be my summer to do that. 

In between my bike ride, I dug up the bushes in our front yard.  While we have owned our house for over 5 years, we have really put off yard work until now.  I wish some had told how relaxing it was.  I would have started sooner. 

I also taught cycle last night.  It was a great class.  I did hills and there were a lot of people there.  They all worked hard and responded to my demands. 

Sunday, March 22, 2009

quick recap

Let's see:

Wednesday I got in a cycle/strength class; felt pretty good. My shoulders were very fatigued after swimming on Tuesday.

Thursday I intended to swim, but my very smart, sweet, lovable, yet challenging son's school conference took over an hour, so I was not able to make it to the pool. I spent the day playing with Max and Isabel. They were begging for no more Child Watch. I figured that they deserved the day off.

Friday, I taught athletic conditioning. I was not very organized, but I thing it was an ok class. It was a little cold outside and a small class so we stayed inside and did some intervals on the benched broken up w/ some strength. We then headed to the track and then the gym for some drills and lot of push ups! We (Max, Isabel, and I) also took our dog for a VERY long walk. I don't know how far we went, but I am counting it as exercise because I was exhausted when we were done.

Saturday I taught kickboxing. I did not think that I worked too hard, but I was sore when I woke up this morning.

Today I did not work out, but Nathaniel and I are removing all of the shrubbery from our front yard. This means digging up all of the stumps. We started today and I am going to spend the next couple of mornings on this too. This will be my morning workout for a couple of days.

Tomorrow I will take my bike with me when i take the kids to school. I am going to leave the car at school and ride my bike home, work in the yard, and ride back to pick them up. I am looking forward to the short yet pretty challenging ride.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

starting for real now

Today I was able to get in the pool. My whole morning was a comedy of errors that had me almost walking out of the Y before my swim, but I persevered. I ended up only having about 25 minutes to swim, so I was able to get in 1000 yds; 200 swim, 200 kick, 200 pull, 200 swim, 200 k/s/p/s. I have not been in a pool in about 6 months, and it felt really good to get back in there.
After my swim, I intended to run 6 miles. That did not happen. I did run about 4, but I walked a little bit. It was a mistake to walk b/c I could feel the lactic acid in my legs and I never get my legs back. I see where I have lost my multisport endurance. I have run that route quite a few times and while the hills are very challenging, I have never had trouble running the entire way. That is until today. I have a really hard time when I don't meet my expectations, but today I tried really hard to look at the positive and know that I have a goal now for next Tuesday.
I am starting to narrow in on a training program for my race and I will share it when I make my final plan

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Back in Action

I waited the requisite 24 hours after the last vomiting episode and headed to the Y. I was able to get in a 6 mile run and some stretching, I have no ideas what my pace was or my total time, but I felt good afterwards. In my selfishness to get a workout in, I may have pushed Max a little too far because he was sick again tonight.

The recent forced break from exercise has been good for me I think. I feel my desire coming back. Thank goodness because I was beginning to wonder if I was going to end up fat and lazy.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009


I am still working out, but I had forgotten my password to get on here. My kids are sick right now, so I can't get to the gym. Hopefully they will be better soon and I will pick up where I left off. I will say that the weather is gorgeous here and I should e getting my bike back from its tune up tomorrow, so outside riding here I come!